South Jersey – A new report has just been released which identifies the 6 most common and costly mistakes that homebuyers make when moving to a larger home.
Unlike the experience of buying a first home, when you’re looking to move-up, and already own a home, there are certain factors that can complicate the situation. It’s very important for you to understand these issues before you list your home for sale.
Not only is there the issue of financing to consider, but you also have to sell your present home at exactly the right time in order to avoid either the financial burden of owning two homes or, just as bad, the dilemma of having no place to live during the gap between closings.

Six Strategies
#1 Rose Colored Glasses
Most of us dream of improving our lifestyle and moving to a larger home. The problem is that there’s sometimes a discrepancy between our hearts and our bank accounts.
You drive by a home that you fall in love with only to find that it’s already sold or that it’s more than what you are willing to pay. Most homeowners get caught in this hit or miss strategy of house hunting when there’s a much easier way of going about the process.
For examÂple, find out if your agent offers a Buyer Profile System or “HouseÂhunting Service,” which takes the guesswork away and helps to put you in the home of your dreams. At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty NJ, our program can tailor a search for your that defines everything you are looking for in your dream home.

This program will crossÂmatch your criteria with ALL availÂable homes on the market and supÂply you with printed information on an on-going basis. A program like this helps homeowners take off their rose-colored glasses and, affordably, move into the home of their dreams.
#2 Failing to Make Necessary Improvements

If you want to get the best price for the home you’re selling, there will certainly be things you can do to enhance it in a prospective buyer’s eyes.
These fix-ups don’t necessarily have to be expensive. But even if you do have to make a minor investment, it will often come back to you ten-fold in the price you are able to get when you sell.
It’s very important that these improvements be made before you put your home on the market. If cash is tight, investigate an equity loan that you can repay on closing.

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty NJ, we evaluate your home when we list it and give you a comprehensive “Honey Do List,” that will make your home show its best.  If you follow our suggestions, you will get top dollar for your home!
#3 Not Selling First
Don’t put the cart before the horse. You should plan to sell your home before you buy another.
This way you will not find yourself at a disadÂvantage at the negotiating table, feelÂing pressured to accept an offer that is below-market value because you have to meet a purchase deadline.
If you’ve already sold your home, you can buy your next one with no strings attached. If you do get a tempting offer on your home but haven’t made significant headway on finding your next home, you might want to put in a contingency clause in the sale conÂtract which gives you a reasonable time to find a home to buy.
If the market is slow and you find your home is not selling as quickly as you anticipated, another option could be renting your home and putting it up on the market later – particularly if you are selling a smaller, starter home.
You’ll have to investigate the tax rules if you choose this latter option. Better still, find a way to eliminate this situation altogether by getting your agent to guarantee the sale of your present home.
For The Rest Of The Report
You’ve read three of our six strategies. These six strategies will help you make informed choices before you put your home on the market in anticipation of moving to a larger home.
To get the entire FREE Special Report, click on the button below or call toll-free 1-855-841-9250 and enter 1007Â to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Get your free special report NOW to find out what you need to know to make your move up to a larger home worry-free and without complication.
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